

A giant in the field of cardiovascular and neural control mechanisms during exercise has passed away last Saturday. I got this sad news from my boss while I was walking Saturday evening. I couldn’t believe it. In fact, my tears just didn’t come at all at the moment. I think I didn’t want to accept it… Monday morning in our office/laboratory area in which we had so many memories, I did have to realize a giant passed and was not able to stop my tears…

Here is one of the best memories with him. Whenever I had finished collecting/analyzing data or drafting manuscripts/grants or got paper accepting, he always smiled and said “What’s next?” That phrase helped and encouraged me a lot. That’s why I can be here, I believe. He also always tell us “data is data”. It’s very simple and fundamental but very important in science. This is also great gift from him. He always frankly talked to me. He always tried to understand what I’m saying with my broken English. He always sent back his comments or suggestions as soon as he could when I sent him drafting paper/proposal. He always supported our research group with his generosity.

I’m very lucky to work here at UT Southwestern under his supervision for 12 years since I came to US. The giant published over 400 manuscripts. It is my honor to publish 17 manuscripts with him so far. The very last time I talked to him over the phone was last month, June 3rd. We had a brief conversation about revising our manuscript under revision. Hope several manuscripts including currently revising manuscript would be published with his co-authorship. It’s my sincere condolences.

He will be my supervisor as long as I’m researcher. Rest in peace, my supervisor Dr. Jere H. Mitchell.

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